Seasonal Cosmology



~ A 12 Month Journey through the Zodiac ~

Explore the Natural Origins of the Zodiac

Journey Through the 12 Signs to Perceive the Living Architecture of Astrology


Imagine walking into the forest and observing the astrological archetypes emerging out of the elements.

Imagine gazing into the fire and learning from the flame itself all you ever wanted to know about the archetype of Leo.

Imagine the plants speaking to you and awakening your own previously unknown Virgo nature.

Imagine using the language of astrology to communicate directly with mother nature.

If you are like me, you are seeking a path of truth, harmony and wisdom. You are seeking a connection with nature and life in the purest way possible, to connect with the part of your own humanity that is truly magical and timeless.

If you are seeking to bring your understanding of astrology to life in a profound yet simple way, then I invite you to join me on the Living Astrology path.

"I've been studying astrology since I was 15 years old, soon now to be 60, it was Tyler's program that brought it all together for me! My Living Astrology notebook is essentially my astro-bible, it's what I go to when I'm preparing for a consultation. I am forever grateful to Tyler and his invaluable program."

~Carol Saviano - Student

Seasonal Cosmology

A 12 Month Journey

So you want to take your astrology studies to another level yet your busy schedule doesn't allow you to invest a lot of time and resources in to it? Or perhaps you would like to begin learning astrology for your own personal development but want to start with something simple and inexpensive.  Maybe you are an experienced astrologer and are just looking to deepen your understanding with a new perspective and the Living Astrology model has sparked your interest.

These are the reasons why I have created the Seasonal Cosmology program. This program is a great way to begin learning the Living Astrology model with minimal time and monetary commitment. If you are seeking to build a solid astrological foundation without getting overwhelmed, then this is the perfect program for you.

Finding where to learn astrology in a way that truly makes sense can be overwhelming. It's easy to find all the information you want on the subject, but putting it all together without guidance can be difficult. I know because I have been studying the subject for over 20 years and now have a very solid philosophical perspective on astrology that is grounded into our living reality.

In Seasonal Cosmology we break down each sign of the zodiac during its current seasonal cycle. Focusing on one sign at a time and going into every aspect of its correlating components so that you will have a complete understanding of each sign. Learning them in order and at their current time of the season allows you to reflect and observe the expressions of each sign within nature and the elements.

This course is perfect for someone brand new to astrology, as it delivers a simple yet profound foundational base to grow from. Yet even an advanced practicing astrologer will get a lot out of this program. As it provides a completely new perspective and as we have been told over the years, the living astrology framework fills the gaps left from all of their previous studies.

By the end of this journey you'll experientially know each sign of the zodiac and they will each be alive in the world around you.

“Tyler is a heart-based astrologer who I feel is honestly about to change a lot of people’s perspective on the way astrology is understood today.”

- Evan Sylliaasen, Founder of The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine

Here's What You'll Gain From this Program:

  • A Complete Cosmology of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac

    You’ll learn the core framework of the Living Astrology model. Learn the connections from one sign to the next so that you understand the pattern as a whole. You’ll be shown the direct link of the 12 signs to the seasons, the elements, the cycle of the day, structure of the human body, psyche and growth process on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Through this cosmological perspective, astrology will be brought to life.

  • An Astrological Map of Human Consciousness

    Astrology lays out a clear and precise map of creation. You’ll learn this map so that you can apply it to your own experience and gain the wisdom it holds about human consciousness. Our own human design has a direct link with the way our planet and solar system move and interact with one another. Humans and the solar system were both created by the same elements and energetic principals.

  • The Living Link Between Astrology & The Elements

    You’ll learn the energetic origins of the signs through observing the elements in nature. You’ll shown how the signs each represent a living archetype that expresses itself through the elements, the seasonal cycle, and the different times of the day. This will unlock the teachings of each sign so that you can utilize nature as a guide for healing & wisdom.

  • Archetypes, Stories, Myths & Philosophy

    Learn the many stories and myths that astrology holds about the archetypal landscape. The wisdom contained within these stories and the myths show us the beliefs, teachings, and philosophies of life held by our ancestors. Learning astrology’s mythical and archetypal foundation brings the language of astrology down to earth so that you can understand it on a human level.

  • A Deeper Appreciation for Nature

    Astrology is a language of nature, and through this language you can listen and interact with the natural world in a profoundly beautiful way. Having a more intimate relationship with nature helps us to value our own life and the role we have as humans on this Earth. See how astrology is far more than just learning about the stars so that you can build the sacred bridge between earth and sky.

  • Clarity and Self-Understanding

    Astrology provides you with a profoundly helpful way to gain personal clarity and insights. In this program, you’ll learn how astrology shows your own personal path of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual evolution. By recognizing the patterns of the seasonal cycle you’ll gain a much deeper understanding of the nature of time as well as a powerful outline for personal growth.

"Tyler has an innate ability to make connections, to paint a picture of what’s happening on the grand cosmic scale and then explain it in a way that makes sense to you in your own personal life.”

~ Dylan Walker - Portland, Oregon ~

Here's What You Get in this Program:

  • A monthly video on each sign of the zodiac and its correlating element, planet, & house (60 minutes average).
  • Audio mp3 downloads for each lesson so you can learn on the go!
  • A discussion forum for each lesson to connect with other students and post your questions & comments.
  • All content is accessible with internet connection on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Lifetime access to the program, any updates made over the years are FREE to you.
  • downloadable pdf files of the outlines, notes & diagrams.
  • An Integration "challenge/Homework" for each lesson so that you can bring the teachings to life!


If you are seeking to establish a solid foundation in your studies of astrology right now, then this program is your opportunity to do just that. You won't find these teachings anywhere else. So you could either continue reading book after book, take another astrology program for upwards of $2000, or you could take this completely unique experiential journey into the heart of astrology.

The Seasonal Cosmology Program gives you the essential teachings that all astrologers MUST have to truly bring astrology to life. In this program you will NOT learn how to see the future, be a fortune teller, or write the daily Sun sign horoscopes. You WILL learn how to comprehend, perceive, and interact with the living archetypes of astrology and nature in order to facilitate yourself and others in walking a path of wisdom, clarity, health, and healing.

Enrollment is Now Open!

2024 Enrollment Closes Tonight at Midnight!

6 Monthly Payments of
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    3 Monthly Payments of
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        Begin my Journey

        30 Day Money Back Guarantee

        Join the Seasonal Cosmology program and give it a try to make sure it's for you. You’ve got a month to watch the first few lessons and be a part of our first conference call. I want you to be 110% in on this program so that you can put your whole heart and mind into your studies and get the most out of this transformational journey – So if you decide it's not for you I will guarantee a full refund within 30 days of enrollment.

        Plus Over $750 of BONUSES!

        LIVING COSMOLOGY ($350 value)

        This Mini-Course includes the "seed stories" of the entire School of Living Astrology model and philosophy. It includes 4 videos that explain the Living Cosmology of the Planets, Signs, and Houses of astrology. They also teach you how to tie it all together with nature as your guide to effectively analyze a birth chart. This gives you a complete and comprehensive foundation to build all of your astrological studies off of. You will always return to these basics in all of your future work and these simple yet profound stories are the main teachings to give to first time explorers of astrology.

        ORIGINS OF ASTROLOGY ($200 value)

        The Origins of Astrology Mini-course introduces you to the natural living origins of astrology. Helping you to see how nature can become your greatest astrology teacher. In lesson 1 we share the 3 Keys of Living Astrology. In lesson 2 we introduce you to the 7 Teachers of the zodiac. And in the 3rd and final lesson we take a journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac to see what each teacher has to teach us about the signs.

        BEYOND THE HOROSCOPE ($200 value)

        The Beyond The Horoscope Mini-Series takes a look at the bigger picture of the Astrological Journey...
        From our first look into this ancient system with the common daily horoscopes and Sun signs to the deeper understanding of the network of patterns that this creation is made of.
        • Students will also receive 20% OFF an initial birth chart consultation and 10% OFF all other consultations! PLUS 10% off consultations for family and friends forever!

        Words of Praise

        Lisa Jeannin

        "Living Astrology is very true to the name. You get to understand astrology on a deeper level - what it really is - and reinstall the natural system of astrology within you to experience, live, and feel astrology from the core of your soul. Tyler Penor is a wise storyteller and a remarkable teacher - one of a kind - showing you the patterns of open mystery in seemingly simplicity as the web of life. This is the only school worth going to!"

        Lisa Jeannin, Hakebo, Sweden
        Megan Walsh

        "Becoming a student of the School of Living Astrology has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! I felt like I had been stuck in my quest for astrological knowledge; like there was a piece I was missing that would make all the pieces fit together. Tyler's teachings and his stories were the key that unlocked the knowledge I was asking for. He weaves everything together in such a beautiful and simple way, that you realize you do not need to hunt for books to give you answers. Everything you need to know can be observed through nature's cycles. This program taught me the language I needed to be able to apply this pattern to all aspects of my life. It not only gave me a more in-depth understanding of the teachings of astrology, it taught me more about myself than I could have ever imagined. By learning the archetypes during their natural season of the year, I was able to integrate the teachings more fully. It allowed me to see for myself how these energies manifest in the natural world around me and in my own life, giving me the wisdom I had been seeking. This program has given me the ability and the insight I needed to start sharing these teachings with others in the way I had been wanting. It has been a truly life-changing journey that I am so grateful for."

        Megan Walsh, Chicago, IL
        Jacqueline Bird Day

        "The best thing about Tyler's way of teaching is that he gives you the opportunity to teach yourself, as well as notice the planetary archetypes in everyday life. For me, he gave me a perfect and tangible language to describe energies that I already understood. Tyler puts things in a simple and comprehensive way, where you can actually begin to embody these concepts, going from something theoretical to very grounded without losing any meaning, and in fact gains meaning because you see how these energies are permeated within everything.  Learning with Tyler has really made my astrological understanding "click"- and has moved astrology from being contained in my mind to now living in my heart. Essentially, Tyler is offering a pattern of understanding which is all-inclusive and allows you to see the meaning behind everything. He is certainly the real deal and I am super excited about continuing to learn from him!”

        Jacqueline Bird Day, Victoria, BC
        Sunkosi Maya Maria

        "Learning the Living Astrology stories taught me what my roots are and how to stay connected to them, how to slow down and tune into the Earth's rhythm.  I have become a student of my own life and the universe around me in a much deeper way. Through learning the structure of life, I have become aware of how much is truly possible, and the responsibility required to turn knowledge into wisdom. The best part is that I feel capable to extend my growth into those around me, through consultations, sharing the stories, and simply living my journey. For future students, I am so excited for the journey that awaits you.  Each intensive was unpredictable in a way that truly brought the teachings to life."

        Sunkosi Maya Maria, Vancouver, BC

        Begin Your Journey and Enroll Today!

        Last Day to Enroll!

        6 Monthly Payments of
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          3 Monthly Payments of
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            Pay in Full
              Begin my Journey

              The "Spark-Sign" Money-Back Guarantee

              30 Day Money Back Guarantee

              Enroll today and try SOLA Online for 30 days. You’ll go through all of the Aries training. If it doesn't "Spark" your astrological fire and you decide that the program is not right for you, just let us know within the 30-day window and you’ll get a full refund.

              Tyler Penor

              Founder of The Chironium & The School of Living Astrology

              I reside in the picturesque evergreen state of Washington with my herbalist wife Mamie Wartelle, and our two children, Aurora and Asa. I am an astrologer by profession and endeavor to revive the art to its roots as a means of comprehending ourselves and fostering balance and harmony with our surroundings. Through storytelling and observing nature's living elements, I seek to impart this vision of astrology to others. Working one-on-one with clients, I utilize the birth chart to facilitate healing, self-awareness, and provide a clear vision to move forward.

              I have named my unique style and approach to astrology "Living Astrology" as my emphasis is on living in tune with the present moment and nature's cycles. I am neither a fortune-teller nor magician; rather, I am a compassionate astrologer who is genuine in my desire to help others believe in themselves and achieve their maximum potential. As an artist at heart, I enjoy creating with my hands, imbuing my works with meaning and narrative. I am a film photographer, painter, leatherworker, beadworker, and overall enthusiast of creativity. Additionally, I delight in playing the Native American flute, harmonica, guitar, mandolin, and banjo.

              My spiritual journey is one of healing, incorporating prayer and the wisdom imparted by the elements, plants, and animals. I respect, learn, and follow the traditions handed down from our elders and ancestors, who held life as sacred.

              “Tyler Penor is a painter of visions and the planets and constellations are his colors. So many books and different teachers present astrological knowledge in a way where you feel the need to memorize or study vigorously to grasp and hold on to the seemingly complex astrological system. My appreciation lies in the grounded and practical story-telling ways that Tyler so naturally interprets. The ancient way of storytelling is a way to plant wisdom that is difficult to forget. The more a story is heard or is meditated on, the more new knowledge and wisdom is slowly revealed to us. Tyler is a heart-based astrologer who I feel is honestly about to change a lot of people’s perspective on the way astrology is understood today. Moving out of the current mind-based, matter-of-fact, research and memorization patterns and into the living, feeling, energies and heart perspectives that Tyler sheds light on with his language of the stars, in a visionary and artistic way, is an example of how we can reconnect to our deeper selves, to nature, and to our higher purpose.

              - Evan Sylliaasen, Founder of Higher Mind Insence

              "Tyler blends so many different aspects of life into each video by weaving in story telling, mythology, archetypes, alchemy, the elements, nature's seasonal rhythms, our daily cycles, and so much more. I feel immense gratitude for the Living Astrology teachings and look forward to sharing this wisdom with others now."

              - Leslie Brown

              "This course offers a solid and practical foundation to astrology. Not only does he provide the "nuts and bolts" of cosmic wonder but incorporates a tangible way to access these patterns as a way of understanding and incorporating these spirits into our daily life. He leads us on a path of integration. A daily ritual of living astrology.

              This is a journey guided by a truly beautiful human. He is humble, welcoming, open and gifted in his ability to share the teachings of our planets. His passion for integrating the terrestrial with the celestial is felt in all of his stories and offerings. He makes the learning fun and comfortable. I feel truly blessed to have found The School of Living Astrology. Life changing. Mind expanding. Soul remembering. A sacred journey worth taking."

              - Jac Wilson

              "This course has influenced my life to create change, to better understand myself and my children through the birth chart. This program is a wonderful tool for parenting! There is so much information to soak in. I am forever changed by this experience. You will find a sense of peace and understanding. The way he teaches is soft and natural. Thank you so much Tyler for being so kind and loving and generous. You have earned your crown jewels in this lifetime!"

              - Traci

              If you have any questions about the program please don't hesitate to ask: