• Awaken a New Vision on Your Astrological Journey by Creating a Direct Relationship with the Living Archetypes of Nature


    The core of Astrology holds a secret key that unlocks the wisdom of this life

    It’s the most ancient and universal wisdom tradition alive today

    It’s a path that bridges together all things..

    And reveals the patterns that hold the sacred balance of this creation.

    Since Astrology reflects the pattern of life its applications are truly infinite.

    It’s the single most powerful and useful ally that I have found in this life…

    And You can learn this ancient wisdom to bring clarity, health, healing, and happiness to others!

Wouldn't you love to be a carrier of sacred be at the center between earth and sky communicating directly with the living archetypes of life... to be one who stands for harmony, healing, and the wisdom of nature?

Take the Confusion Out of Your Astrological Journey and Bring it All to Life Right in Front of Your Eyes


Astrology can be very confusing , especially at the beginning...

But it doesn't have to be.

So much of the astrology out there is missing the main point

..or lacking a tangible foundation.

And as students we can get lost in the mental study without any practical applications..

....whats missing is the direct heartfelt connection with the energies that astrology is talking about in the first place.

We memorize and don't perceive, we study, yet, don't experience...

Through turning to nature and the elements as our teachers we can come to know the teachings of astrology by heart, thus, bypassing the confusion, and creating a solid foundation for the mind to truly comprehend and grasp the deeper mysteries of astrology.


    This Program is an in depth year long adventure into the School of Living Astrology. There is no other astrology program like this one out there. Living Astrology is rooted in the teachings of nature and the elements, with it’s focus on learning to perceive the energetic origins of all astrological wisdom.

  • Over 50 hours of in-depth videos and downloadable audio mp3's
  • Downloadable pdf files to compile an in-depth workbook
  • Member's area with online forum, plus Monthly conference calls for Q&A
  • Lifetime access and no deadlines!
  • 2 Bonus programs "Seasonal Cosmology" & "Living Cosmology (value of $600) plus other Bonuses and Discounts!
  • Be a part of a movement that aims to transform the way that Astrology is perceived today!

The Cosmology of Creation

For most of us, astrology is first discovered in the back of a magazine or newspaper telling us what is to come in the future or describing our personality based on our date of birth.

If our curiosity is sparked, we may look deeper and discover the birth chart realizing there is more much to astrology than we previously thought.

At this point we then begin to pick up books, search the internet, attend workshops and gather all the information we can on the meanings of the signs, planets and houses of the birth chart.

We can get caught in a wave of perspectives, opinions, astrological arguments about what form of astrology is the "most accurate"and that is where many of us remain.

This type of astrology is nothing more than a belief system filled with dogmatic analysis, fortune-telling or purely a scientific type of study focused on "proving" things.

What if I told you that there is a missing cosmological foundation within our modern-day astrology? In most people's astrological journey they unknowingly skip the first step, diving into the mental information and missing the living heartbeat of astrology.

We learn the what of astrology: the signs, planets, houses and aspects. We almost never look into the why, where and how.

Why do the signs represent what they do? Where do these archetypal understandings come from? How do I access and interact with them in my daily life here on Earth?

This program will give you the foundational teachings and philosophy that will transform your astrology from a mental based belief system into a grounded heart-centered perception of life.


Become a Student of Nature & the Elements

Take a guided journey through the lens of Living Astrology. Learn the foundational energetic patterns that are woven throughout all of life and which are the building blocks of all astrological wisdom.

Awaken within yourself a vision that will allow you to learn and perceive all that you have ever wanted to know about this ancient healing art.

This program is a guided initiation that will give you the philosophical foundation to learn and evolve your astrological understanding with nature as your teacher.

Over the course of an entire year this program will move along with the seasons, allowing you to perceive and interact with the living archetypes being taught to you throughout the program.

That Moment When it All Finally Just "Clicks"!

So you're into astrology or very curious about how it all works? If you are here reading this you are probably seeking a new deeper understanding of astrology. Or perhaps you have always been curious about the subject but have never looked into it.

If you are seeking to walk the path of an astrologer or to simply use it in your life for the profound insights and healing it has to offer, this is the program for you.

You've probably searched for a program that can truly bring to life your astrological studies and reveal the true essence of astrology, but you've had no luck. I know the feeling because I was once in the exact same position.

That is why I have put so much time, energy and my 18 years of studies plus 7 years of practice into this one comprehensive online program just for you!

You have probably read your fair share of astrology books and surfed the internet for all of its astrological information, yet still there is that burning feeling that something essential is missing.

You want to come to a deep understanding of astrology that will provide you with true wisdom that will last a lifetime. You are seeking a truth and connection to life in the deepest way possible.

You're ready to awaken the art of astrology within every sense of your being and learn to walk a path of beauty, wisdom and healing, and this program can be the foundational first step on a profound life-long journey.

Learn astrology in a way that you have never heard before where it all makes sense!

When I first began to study astrology my time was spent reading every book I could find and scouring the internet for everything on the topic.

The amount of information out there describing "what" the different parts and symbols of astrology mean can be mind numbing to say the least.

For me it wasn't enough to just know and remember what the meaning of these symbols were. I wanted to know why astrology works and where it all came from.

I began to focus my attention on nature and the elements that give us life. I felt that if astrology is describing a living pattern woven through life, then I should be able to see these patterns everywhere.

Sure enough patterns began to emerge and before long nature became my teacher and the source of all astrological wisdom.

One evening sitting in the woods gazing up at the stars through giant cedar trees, a vision arose within me and a living cosmological story of the signs, planets and houses of astrology was born.

These stories became the foundation for the School of Living Astrology.

The SOLA Online Program

For the past 4 years I have been teaching this material in my Apprentice Program. This will now be the third year I am offering the program online due to so many requests from people who were not able to take the Apprentice Program.

The SOLA Online Program is the most complete and comprehensive online program on astrology available. In over 50 hours of video classes, you'll learn the entire foundation of the Living Astrology model.

Whether you are an experienced astrologer or brand new to the study, this program will benefit you on your path. You don't need any prior experience to achieve success in this program. Even if you are a skilled practicing astrologer, you'll come away with a whole new way of perceiving astrology and be able to add it on to your own practice.

This class is much more than simply an astrology course. It has a much larger focus including a grand cosmological vision, the ability to access the archetypes of astrology within nature and the elements, and a solid philosophical foundation to approach anything in life beyond just astrology.

By the end of the program you'll be able to not only comprehend all the parts of astrology, but you will know the living essence from which astrology was born. Your entire understanding of astrology and life itself will be completely transformed!

"Tyler is a heart based astrologer who I feel is honestly about to change a lot of people's perspective on the way astrology is understood today."

Evan Purcell ~Founder of The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine


Here's What You'll Learn

  • The Living Astrology Stories

    These astrological cosmology stories are the foundation of this entire program. These stories and patterns are woven through every class you will receive in this course. You will learn the cosmology of the signs of the zodiac, the planets in our solar system and the houses of astrology. This program will guide you in learning how to perceive these stories in yourself and nature. These stories will transform your current understanding of astrology in a way where it will all just make sense.

  • How the Elements are your True Astrology Teachers

    Learn how the elements of fire, earth, air and water bring your comprehension of astrology to life. You will be shown how to learn directly from the elements and incorporate their teachings into your work with astrology. Learn to see how the elements are the living expression of the 12 signs and the keys to a practical application of healing yourself and others with astrology.

  • The Language & Symbols of Astrology

    You will learn how to read and comprehend the symbolic language of astrology. You will be taught how the symbols were created and the hidden wisdom that lies within their designs. Learn to see how the symbol describes the energies they represent. Knowing where the designs originated and the thought process in creating the symbols adds a new depth to the wisdom contained in the astrological framework. Astrology is a language, and like any language, you first must learn the words before you can create sentences and tell stories.

  • How to Interpret a Birth Chart and Work with Natural Cycles

    The birth chart is the astrologer’s number one tool for deciphering the messages being offered by nature’s cycles. Learn and understand the process of bringing the birth chart to life. You will be given a solid foundation to allow the chart to speak to you in order to gain clear insights into your life and others. You will learn not only about the birth chart itself but how it was designed and why it was designed the way it is. These teachings will allow you to approach a chart with confidence and clarity.

  • Astrologies Stories & Myths

    Stories and myths are the heartbeat that gives a human pulse to astrology. Learn the stories of the planets and signs to add color to your understanding of the archetypes. See how the ancient stories hold teachings for the astrologer and pass on wisdom that cannot be understood on a logical level. See how the myths and stories add feeling and human emotions to the archetypal landscape.

  • Astronomy & the Mechanics of the Solar System

    You will be guided in understanding the design of our cosmic landscape, the way in which our solar system is structured and the way in which it moves. Through understanding the framework of the stars and planets, the deeper astrological meanings will begin to become much clearer and tangible. Through this observation of the stars and solar system, many insights into the nature of astrology will be revealed.

~ Click the button below to see the full list of classes ~


The Curriculum

Over 50 hours of video lessons divided into four seasonal modules & a fifth module that weaves them all together. Each module dives into the astrological archetypes of its corresponding season.

This is the most complete and comprehensive curriculum you'll find. Dedicated to learning "from" astrology.. not just about it.

The framework for these modules follows the seasonal cycle through an entire year allowing you to not only learn from the class but directly perceive and interact with the living archetypes you will be learning about. This program is focused on life itself and utilizes the lens of astrology in order to see the underlying energetic architecture within all things. A true living astrological journey...

Module 1: Spring

The spring module is focused on the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini and their corresponding planets, houses, elements and archetypes. The series of classes are as follows:

  • Video 1: Introduction to Program
  • Video 2: Living Astrology
  • Video 3: Cosmology of the Horoscope (birth chart)
  • Video 4: Living "Aries"
  • Video 5: Astrology, Nature & the Elements
  • Video 6: Living "Taurus"
  • Video 7: Intro to Astrological Aspects
  • Video 8: Living "Gemini"
  • Video 9: Wisdom of the Spring

Module 2: Summer

The summer module is focused on the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo and their corresponding planets, houses, elements and archetypes. The series of classes are as follows:

  • Video 10: Natural Time
  • Video 11: Living "Cancer"
  • Video 12: The Birth Chart as Your Personal Calendar
  • Video 13: Living "Leo"
  • Video 14: The Lunar Nodes & Eclipses
  • Video 15: Living "Virgo"
  • Video 16: The Myth of Chiron
  • Video 17: Alchemy, Plants & Healing
  • Video 18: Wisdom of the Summer

Module 3: Fall

The fall module is focused on the signs of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and their corresponding planets, houses, elements and archetypes. The series of classes are as follows:

  • Video 19: Living "Libra"
  • Video 20: The Balance of Life
  • Video 21: Living "Scorpio"
  • Video 22: Transformation, symbolism & the Great Mystery
  • Video 23: Myth & Story
  • Video 24: Living "Sagittarius"
  • Video 25: Astrological Color & Sound
  • Video 26: Philosophy, Belief, & Prayer
  • Video 27: Wisdom of the Fall

Module 4: Winter

The winter module is focused on the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and their corresponding planets, houses, elements and archetypes. The series of classes are as follows:

  • Video 28: Living "Capricorn"
  • Video 29: Responsible Astrology
  • Video 30: The Element of Time
  • Video 31: Living "Aquarius"
  • Video 32: Precession of the Equinoxes & The Grand Year
  • Video 33: Astronomy & Solar System Mechanics
  • Video 34: Living "Pisces"
  • Video 35: The Spiritual Journey
  • Video 36: Wisdom of the Winter

Module 5: Spinning the Wheel

For the final module we will complete the seasonal wheel and end where we began in spring. This module is focused on combining everything together and putting it all into motion. The series of classes are as follows:

  • Video 37: Signs through the Houses
  • Video 38: Planets through the Signs
  • Video 39: Planets through the Houses
  • Video 40: Living Patterns of Signs, Planets & Houses
  • Video 41: Astrological Cycles of the Human Growth Process (Birth to Death)
  • Video 42: Process of the Living Astrology "Consultation"
  • Video 43: The Living Astrology Vision
  • Video 44: Living with Astrology
  • Video 45: Student's Biggest Questions & Thank You

I've spent 18 years living with astrology as my number one tool for guidance and clarity.  My mission is to give you a solid philosophical foundation to support you on your own astrological journey and beyond.

In this program, I am sharing with you the philosophical vision and tools that you will need to practice astrology from a heart-centered space with clarity and confidence.

Here's What You Get:

  • Over 50 hours of in-depth online video classes.
  • Course materials and notes as downloadable PDF files.
  • Audio mp3 downloads will be available for all the classes so you can learn on the go.
  • All content is accessible with an internet connected computer, smartphone or tablet.
  • Each lesson will have a discussion forum to post comments, questions, and to connect with other students taking the program.
  • A monthly conference call open to all students for answering questions, sharing experiences and extra teachings.
  • You get lifetime access to the program! Once you are a member of the program you will always be able to return to use it as a resource.
  • Learn at your own pace. No deadline to complete the program. Take it 1, 2, 3 or 100 times if you like!
  • FREE upgrades! Since you will have lifetime access, anytime I upgrade the program it will be free to you!
  • You will get a $500 BONUS package for FREE that will be added on top of the entire program!

Here's What You'll Gain:

  • An unshakable & grounded philosophical foundation of astrology.
  • A deeper sense of wonder and connection with nature & the elements.
  • Astrology as a language to discover infinite amounts of wisdom for the rest of your life.
  • The ability to utilize the birth chart for clear insights and healing for yourself and others.
  • The key to perceiving the unseen energetic architecture of life.
  • A deeper understanding of human nature.
  • The ability to teach and share astrology with others where it will make sense to them.
  • A universal wisdom that weaves together your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life.
  • Friendships with like-hearted people!
  • A community of "Living Astrologers" who will help to establish a new foundation within the very way astrology is perceived and used.
  • And much, much more...

"Tyler Penor is a wise storyteller and a remarkable teacher - one of a kind - showing you the patterns of open mystery in seemingly simplicity as the web of life. This is the only school worth going to!"

~Lisa Jeannin - Sweden

Enroll Now for the SOLA Online Program!

Registration Closes

April 16th at Midnight

12 Monthly Payments of $149
    12 Monthly Payments



    One Payment of $1599
      Pay in Full



      *NEW* 15 Monthly Payments of $120
        15 Payments

        JUST ADDED!


        30 Day Money Back Guarantee

        Join the SOLA Online program and give it a try to make sure it's for you. You’ve got a month to watch the first few lessons and be a part of our first conference call. I want you to be 110% in on this program so that you can put your whole heart and mind into your studies and get the most out of this transformational journey – So if you decide it's not for you I will guarantee a full refund within 30 days of enrollment.



        SEASONAL COSMOLOGY ($800 value)

        You get a HUGE bonus here with this 13 video program which spans over the course of the entire seasonal year. This program focuses on the foundations of each sign of the Zodiac and its relation to the seasons. We also dive into the correlating element, planets, and houses of each sign. What makes this and the SOLA Online program unique is that they move along with the seasons so that you get to witness the current energetic qualities being expressed through nature at the same time that you are learning about them in the programs.

        LIVING COSMOLOGY ($100 value)

        This Mini-Course includes the "seed stories" of the entire School of Living Astrology model and philosophy. It includes 4 videos that explain the Living Cosmology of the Planets, Signs, and Houses of astrology. They also teach you how to tie it all together with nature as your guide to effectively analyze a birth chart. This gives you a complete and comprehensive foundation to build all of your astrological studies off of. You will always return to these basics in all of your future work and these simple yet profound stories are the main teachings to give to first time explorers of astrology.

        CHOOSE 2 MINI-COURSES ($200+ value)

        The School of Living Astrology will grow far beyond the programs being offered today and the adventure does not end after just one year! Over the next few years I will be creating many new Mini-Courses going into the many different avenues and specific teachings of the Living Astrology Model. You will have the option to pick any 2 future programs of your choice to go along with your lifetime access of the SOLA Online Program!

        Journey Through the Zodiac ($20 Value)

        One of the very first students of The School of Living Astrology, Megan Walsh created a beautiful Mandala coloring book filled with her own wisdom and teachings that she received in this program. She began creating them while enrolled in the school and saw it through into the creation of this book. You will receive a Free copy 30 days after the program begins!


        20% OFF an initial birth chart consultation and 10% OFF all other consultations! PLUS 10% off consultations for your family and friends forever! (Huge deal!)

        Here's What Past Students Have to Say:

        Lisa Jeannin Lisa Jeannin, Hakebo, Sweden

        "Living Astrology is very true to the name. You get to understand astrology on a deeper level - what it really is - and reinstall the natural system of astrology within you to experience, live, and feel astrology from the core of your soul. Tyler Penor is a wise storyteller and a remarkable teacher - one of a kind - showing you the patterns of open mystery in seemingly simplicity as the web of life. This is the only school worth going to!"

        Megan Walsh Megan Walsh, Chicago, IL

        "Enrolling in the SOLA apprentice program has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! Tyler's teachings and his stories were the key that unlocked the knowledge I was asking for. He weaves everything together in such a beautiful and simple way, that you realize you do not need to hunt for books to give you answers. Everything you need to know can be observed through nature's cycles."

        Jacqueline Bird Day Jacqueline Bird Day, Victoria, BC

        "Learning with Tyler has really made my astrological understanding "click"- and has moved astrology from being contained in my mind to now living in my heart. Essentially, Tyler is offering a pattern of understanding which is all-inclusive and allows you to see the meaning behind everything. He is certainly the real deal and I am super excited about continuing to learn from him!”

        Sunkosi Maya Maria Sunkosi Maya Maria, Vancouver, Canada

        "Through learning the structure of life, I have become aware of how much is truly possible, and the responsibility required to turn knowledge into wisdom. The best part is that I feel capable to extend my growth into those around me, through consultations, sharing the stories, and simply living my journey. For future apprentices, I am so excited for the journey that awaits you!"

        Enroll Today!

        12 Monthly Payments of $149
          12 Monthly Payments



          One Payment of $1599
            Pay in Full



            *NEW* 15 Monthly Payments of $120
              15 Payments

              JUST ADDED!

              TRY IT OUT FOR A MONTH!

              30 Day Money Back Guarantee

              Join the SOLA Online program and give it a try to make sure it's for you. You’ve got a month to watch the first few lessons and be a part of our first conference call. I want you to be 110% in on this program so that you can put your whole heart and mind into your studies and get the most out of this transformational journey –So if you decide it's not for you I will guarantee a Full Refund within 30 days of enrollment.


              Check out the Seasonal Cosmology Monthly Program Below!


              Receive Over $400 Worth of Bonuses!




              This program is a great starting point if you are unable to take the deep dive of the SOLA online program. This will give you a solid foundation for the rest of your life when it comes to astrology. Here is a list of the amazing Bonuses you get with the program:

              • Lifetime Access to 'Living Cosmology Mini-Course' ($100 value)
              • Lifetime Access to 2 future Mini-Courses ($200+ value)
              • FREE Copy of the Journey Through the Zodiac Mandala Book ($20 value)
              • 10% Off All Consultations for life (You, Family, & Friends!)

              A total of over $400 of Bonuses (nearly the price of the program itself!)

              I know it may seem a bit crazy that I am offering you so much, however, I simply love to share my passion and want to give you everything I can to make this journey a life-changing experience. Plus, I truly believe in the power that these teachings have to benefit not only your own life but to all who you, in turn, will spread them too.

              click the button bellow to get over $400 in free bonuses when you enroll today


              Tyler Penor

              Founder of The Chironium & The School of Living Astrology

              I live in the beautiful evergreen state of Washington with my partner and herbalist Mamie Wartelle and our dog Sequoia. I am a practicing astrologer whose mission is to restore the art back to its roots as a tool to understand ourselves and to live in balance and harmony with the world we live in. In my work, I seek to share this vision of astrology with others through the art of storytelling and observing the living elements in nature. I work one on one with clients utilizing the birth chart to heal and gain self perspective as well as to create a clear vision to move forward with. "Living Astrology" is the name I gave to my specific style and approach to astrology, as my focus is on the present moment and living in tune with nature and it's cycles. I am not a fortune-teller or magician. I am a humble astrologer who comes from the heart and is sincere in doing my best to help others to believe in themselves and reach their highest potential. I am an artist who loves to create with my hands and infuse meaning and story into my creations. I am a painter, leatherworker, beadworker and all around lover of creativity. I also enjoy playing the Native American flute, harmonica, guitar, mandolin & banjo. My spiritual path is one of healing and utilizing prayer and the wisdom that is given through the elements, plants and animals. I respect, learn and follow the traditions that have been handed down from our elders and ancestors who believed in the sacredness of this life.

              "I was personally fascinated by Tyler's ability to synthesize a highly intricate methodology into an easily digestible interpretation that just made sense. And that’s what it all comes down to… He just makes sense and what he shares just fits. I highly recommend his services to anyone seeking insight from the stars. Tyler is the truth!”

              Justin ~ Grass Valley, Ca

              “Tyler Penor is a painter of visions and the planets and constellations are his colors. So many books and different teachers present astrological knowledge in a way where you feel the need to memorize or study vigorously to grasp and hold on to the seemingly complex astrological system. My appreciation lies in the grounded and practical story-telling ways that Tyler so naturally interprets. The ancient way of storytelling is a way to plant wisdom that is difficult to forget. The more a story is heard or is meditated on, the more new knowledge and wisdom is slowly revealed to us. Tyler is a heart based astrologer who I feel is honestly about to change a lot of peoples perspective on the way astrology is understood today. Moving out of the current mind based, matter-of-fact, research and memorization patterns and into the living, feeling, energies and heart perspectives that Tyler sheds light on with his language of the stars, in a visionary and artistic way, is an example of how we can reconnect to our deeper selves, to nature, and to our higher purpose.”

              - Evan Purcell, Founder of Higher Mind Insence

              "I have the blessing to have Tyler as my personal astrologer supporting me walk my life journey. His innate gift of intuition coupled with a deep understanding of the cosmos enables Tyler Penor to take astrology to the next level. He has helped me understand my true nature, express my gifts, correct my limitations and most of all allow personal healing. In the past, I have struggled with astrologers’ abstract language. Tyler is gifted with the ability to translate abstract concepts into a practical language that i am able to hear and understand. I appreciate how he has empowered my own healing by teaching me how to read my self, the sky and the mutual interaction that exists between the earth and the heavens. Tyler is a true gift to my life!!!!”

              - Marta Mazzanti

              “Tyler is a brilliant astrologer who will make you think about your life in a different way, with insights into how planetary forces and alignments can influence behavioral patterns and how to put that knowledge into practice in your everyday life. He is a gifted communicator who can make complex concepts easy to understand.”

              - Hernan S.

              “Tyler’s grasp of the cosmic dance is so deeply felt and seen that his readings feel like a cross between child’s play and direct channeling. Tyler expanded my own view of astrology, illuminating how the cyclical patterns of all of creation also influence our individual blueprint. Most importantly, his insights provided me with clear and practical guidelines for realizing the greatest potential for my expansion in this lifetime. I revisit the recording of our session regularly, one of a few truly invaluable touchstones in my life that light my personal journey here. Thank you brother for all the beautiful work you do here in this world, and for sharing your light with such humility, grace and mirth!”

              - Mahalie S.

              If you have any questions about the program please don't hesitate to ask: