Our perception of life is filtered through the mind, which divides everything in two: black and white, day and night, left and right, good and bad. This is necessary as it gives our consciousness a path to flow through, much like how a river flows between two banks.
From a young age, we are taught in this way as our minds develop. We are taught about the World and how things work, making choices as we move through life. Duality is not a negative thing; it gives us the freedom to create our lives, yet at the same time we may also feel trapped between two walls.
This is where Astrology has the potential to open the doors to a completely new way of not only perceiving life but creating it as well. We live in this World of humanity, with our thoughts, governments, philosophies, religions and all of the things that exist within the human mind. Some of us are completely swallowed up within this human World and have forgotten that this world exists and survives on the Earth.
The World is created by the human mind and is completely dualistic in its perception of life, communicating through a language of words. The Earth was created by life itself, weaving together an infinite amount of harmonious patterns and communicates through the language of nature. The Earth was created by life itself, weaving together an infinite amount of harmonious patterns and communicates through the language of nature.

Astrology is a language derived from nature and its patterns and allows us to communicate and interact with the Earth. In understanding this distinction between the World and the Earth, we are able to move beyond the limited perception of our mind and reconnect with our heart and spirit.
Our mind is a powerful tool for creating our lives, yet if we let it run the show it can create many problems for us. The language of Astrology gives our mind a NEW TOOLSET to create our lives with, one that is in tune with nature and it’s infinitely creative force.
The framework of astrology is completely balanced in its design and patterns. Astrology can teach us to remain balanced within this dualistic World through being guided by the Earth.
~Excerpt from The SOLA Online Program~
By Tyler Penor
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