
Links for the FREE Living Astrology Mini-Course

• Here is the base links to the Free Mini-Course. This link will be what directs people to the Opt-In page where they enter their Name & Email to get access to the content.

These direct Links Below are what you will send to people in your email list each time they are released so they can get direct access.

• #1 - Here is the direct link to the first content page of the mini-course.

• #2 - Here is the direct link to the second content page of the mini-course. (Released: April 1st)

• #3 - Here is the direct link to the third content page of the mini-course. (Released: April 3rd)

• #4 - Here is the direct link to the fourth content page of the mini-course. (Released April 5th)

Your Link:•••> https://www.thechironium.com/sola-online-open/

Your Link:•••>  https://www.thechironium.com/seasonal-cosmology/

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Here you'll find your email templates for the prelaunch and program launch.

Here are your images for the free series and the Online Programs.

Here you'll find social media posts and templates for the launch.